Monday, October 8, 2007

Next Crop Night

Bri srapping a few months back
We had mentioned getting back together this upcoming weekend - Friday Oct 12th to do some more cropping so wanted to let you all know I am still up for it. Jenn, you mentioned you may have to come later and that is fine. So just let me know if you are going to be able to make it. I think I am going to work on a new reunion book (from 2 summers ago) that I have been putting off.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jan...sorry I haven't gotten back with you yet to let you know about Tomorrow nights crop...
I am NOT going to be able to make it...Kyler is in a Homecomming parade we just found out about last night for Freshmen (Midget) football. They weren't sure what time it would get over and not sure if he wants to watch some of the game or not since it's a home game Friday night. So instead of being rushed around...I think I'll plan to not come this time...but hopefully by next crop night Ryan won't be working long hours and I'll be able to come for sure!:) I've gotten a few more pages done in Kyler's baby book, so when I get the chance i'll scan those to add to my can copy and past them to here if you would like...I will most likely put them on the SIS board also...
Talk to you soon...sorry I won't make it...I'd love to come...but would rather not be rushed...Maybe if I get home early enough I can get the boy's to bed at a decent hour to do some scrapin of my own downstairs...I've set up a small area to scrap...should take a photo of that too...
Well I need to go out and get the yard mowed before it decides to rain if it ever does!!! So cold today...burr...

Jan said...

We will miss you Jenn. Happy Scapping!

Anonymous said...

I would really rather come scrap...but I know what my night is going to be like with the parade and all...I'll be the one going alone with all three fun...I will try to scan the new pages I have finished and add them to my blog tomorrow...I should try to make time for that since both boy's will be at school tomorrow!!! Yeah!:)

Brianna said...

Hey I think putting my picture up is misleading! I WANNA GO!!! Waaahh Waahhh. (Now I know where Tyler get's the Waaahh's from)

Anonymous said...

I only have two more pages to do layouts for Kyler's birth scrapbook...I got alot done on it last night while Grey's A and Er were on...One of the pages I can't complete till my mother in law finds me a picture of Ryan's dad holding Kyler at the hospital...I'm hopeing that when we see them @ Kalahari the weekend of 26th that she will have it for me there...:) I'd like to get it done this month so that I can start on Peytons! Would like to have all three boy's books done before Christmas! Think I can do that??? I"m sure gonna try! Wish I could join in the fun tonight...If I happen to get home earlier from the parade and Ryan doesn't mind me coming...would it be ok if I just popped over last minuet...that's only if I get home early...but I'm not counting on it...???


Jan said...

Bri- at least you can be there in spirit!! Ha!
Jenn- Sure if you feel like coming over later no problem. I will leave the front door unlocked cuz when we are down in the basement I can't hear the door.

Anonymous said...

Jan I guess I won't be coming...I'm tired out after being outside in that cold was really cold tonight...damp feeling...So I decided to just stay inside and not come out...I know I would of had fun...but will also be nice just staying inside where it's aleady warm and cozy...I managed to get all the papgers cut tonight for Peyton's baby-birth scrapbook. And I trimed all his hospital photos this afternoon when Carson was napping...So tonight when we got back from the parade I got all my layouts together...Now all I have to do is figure out how to lay them all out...Your right about getting them put all together what you want for the takes less time and saves time when putting them together! I am able then to lay two out side by side to work on at one time! Makes me work faster and I get more done at a time that way! Thanks for the tip...I'm anxious to come to your next scrap/crop night so that I can bring my work with me to show them off...
Take care and talk to you soon...Happy Scrappin!:)

Anonymous said...

I was able to put together about four pages for Petyon's baby-birth scrapbook last night. I used the paper tear technique that I seen on sis boards. I really like that...I just have to get a book for his yet...I think I was up till 1:00 scrappin...yikes...I think i'm addicted now! haha...
but it's a good adiction right...:) Talk to you soon.

Jan said...

jenn you missed a nice night. I will post the layouts in a couple days. I stayed up to 1:30 and then got up a 6:30 and drove up north.

Anonymous said...

Yikes Jan I bet you were tired with all that driving! As you can see I"m up late again...I was downstairs scrappin...I think you have me hooked on this...I have Peytons baby book almost completed! I need to be finding a book soon for all the layouts I have finished. Maybe this next week when both boy's are in bed I'll take the time to scan them to post on my blog...and the sis board...It's so relaxing and I just loose track of the time...tonight when I came upstairs though I was surprised to find Ryan still up watching the Indian's on TV...and eatting popcorn...and he didn't come down to ask if I wanted any or not can you believe that...well i'm off to bed now...Maybe if your around some day or night i'll stop by to show you all that I have done...You'd be real proud of me...:) Talk to you soon.