Sunday, October 14, 2007

10-12 Crop Nite

Had another productive night scrappin. Darlene, Brook, Sherry and I scrapped while Meagan worked on a sewing project. She is making a fairy costume. We went to about 12:30 and I got in bed around 1:30 and then woke up at 6:30 and drove up north. Didn't hit me till about 9 pm that night. Maybe we will try for another crop night the 2nd weekend of November. I was thinking I could take a little time and show you guys how to work with some chip board and let you experiment with some.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could of been there, looks like everyone had fun...Darleen I love the page you did with the Christmas bulbs and tied ribbon on the tops of them...HOW CUTE! When's the next crop night JAN? I wanna come!!! I missed the company...will definantly try to come next time around...:)

Brianna said...

Looks like you all had a great night! Lots of beautiful pages. Hey how come I'm not in the cute cousins page??? I guess i'm not cute enough...oh well. :(

Jan said...

I think I remember Bri, you guys didn't make it for the Landing dinner. You came up later or left early and couldn't come. Plus lets face it, you are considered a grown up now, family and all!!

Anonymous said...

Jan I might not get to come that second weekend in November...I have a baby shower in Ohio that weekend that I may be traveling down for...The only way i'd stay is if it was still busy on the farm yet and Ryan couldn't get away, because I won't travel down alone with all three kids...not at the ages they are!:)
I want to show you the pages i've done...I can't wait to show them to person!
I'll talk to you soon.

Jan said...

Would you want to move it to the next weekend 11/16th? Also if you guys would like it on a Saturday night instead we could look into that. Any one open to going to the SIS crop in Novi with me??

Anonymous said...

I could for sure come 11/16 to crop Jan...If it works out to move it for the other's as well just let me know what you all decide. What time is the crop in Novi? And how much does it cost? What would we need to bring if it would work out...Are you willing to drive, I wouldn't have a clue where I was going if it would work out for me to come...I might be intrested in going if Ryan's ok with me going...Just not sure what all he will have going on at the farm by then...

Jessica, Calvin and Boomer said...

looks like you all had such a good time! You guys look like you've been doing this a long tme. mom I love the long hair!!! jess

Jan said...

Jenn, it is going to be in a store in Novi. And it will go from 9:30 Saturday to 11 pm. Starting a 5pm they have ScrapMania and that costs 15.00. And that includes dinner and a paper pack. Then some are going back on Sunday 11-4, which won't cost anything. I am going for all day on Sat for sure. If you plan on going you have to call the store and reserve your space for the Saturday eve and pay over the phone. You definatly can drive with me. Or if you just want to go for the day, you could follow me. You just have to pack up everything you need to scrap. Let me know what you think???